This is racism
WARNING! This article contains a shocking photo of a war crime victim that is not suitable for all readers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Big-government liberals with an axe to grind have had a tough time deflecting criticism from their spend-spend-spend approach, so in response they search for the flimsiest excuses to label their opponents as racists in an effort to discredit them. If you're not particularly careful about what you call Japanese war criminals who gang-raped everyone from infants to pregnant women to grandmothers before savagely butchering and sometimes sexually mutilating them, such as spearing their vaginas … well, if you don't toe the PC line in referring to those monsters, you might be a racist! Had you seen photographic evidence of what they did, such as this …
… well, in a moment of passion, you might be excused by being less than kind to the savages who brutalized that poor Chinese woman. But when was the last time a liberal exonerated someone who didn't agree with him on everything? I agree with liberals on some issues, but the pure, rabid liberals are great at making excuses for their ideological clones and pathetically incapable of tolerating differences of opinions in others, including folks like me who sometimes agree with them, and sometimes disagree. Pure libs can't have that; disagreement often sends them into an apoplectic rage that manifests their shocking degree of intolerance and hence bigotry:
bigot (noun): (1) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing opinion, belief, or creed; (2) a person who is obstinately intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, especially on politics or religion, and has animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
Smart people see right through this liberal tactic of branding their opponents as racists when they cannot substantively counter their arguments, but all people are not sufficiently intelligent to separate fact from fiction. In an effort to help them spot genuine racism, I will post examples of it on this page to supplement my other discussions of it, such as healthcare workers who intentionally murder black patients.
Racism involves valuing—or devaluing—people on the basis of their appearance instead of ability, hence is nails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to those of us who value meritocracies. That the United States isn't enough of a meritocracy is a primary reason why it is struggling.
- How humans repress prejudices: Even people who would describe themselves as liberal and open-minded might not be free of unconscious racism
- African-Americans live shorter lives due to heart disease and stroke
Excerpt: “In recent years, the life expectancy of African Americans was 3.4 years shorter than that of whites …”
Comment: For this reason, they should be permitted to retire 3.4 years earlier with full Social Security (or other retirement) benefits. The ultimate goal should be to eliminate the gap, such as by improving healthcare. As I pointed out in an article years ago, they are subjected to overt and latent racism by healthcare providers, from ones more deadly than average KKK members to others who don't think of themselves as racist yet treat black patients as if second-rate care is good enough for them.
Beyond these outrages is pervasive ignorance amongst doctors who fail to convey crucial information, such as how black skin filters out more UV rays: less UV → less vitamin D production → more health problems caused or contributed to by suboptimal vitamin D levels. A mountain of research indicates how vitamin D affects much more than bone health, so vitamin D deficiency negatively affects the body and mind. Sadly, almost everyone graduates from high school and college without learning even 1% of the tips to enhance intelligence, creativity, focus, motivation, and other facets of brainpower or factors influencing its potential to fully blossom.
There's so much that could be—but isn't—done to combat racism. I discussed how latent racism can be detected (such as here and here) and how racism (latent or overt) can be quickly erased (such as here and multiple prior postings), but racism remains a festering sore. I risked my life to save a young black man: something few would do.
Give lip service to denouncing racism? Sure, but risk your life to help a stranger? Extrapolating from the sentiment underlying the missing white woman syndrome—that attractive white women are worth more—men might risk their lives to save a beautiful damsel in distress or Bill Gates's daughter, but not someone in a dirt-poor area who is likely also poor and hence unable to reciprocate. - Emmett Till was a handsome young man until two racists, angry that he allegedly whistled at a white woman, severely beat him until his face was unrecognizable, then shot him and dumped his body in the Tallahatchie River. His mother wisely “insisted on a public funeral service with an open casket to show the world the brutality of the killing.” An all-white jury acquitted Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam “of Till's kidnapping and murder. Protected against double jeopardy, the two men publicly admitted in a 1956 interview with Look magazine that they had killed Till.”
- Dr J. Marion Sims conducted experiments on slave women from 1845 to 1849.
- Film Executives Apologize For Racially Tinged Emails
Excerpt: “Embarrassing, racially tinged emails about President Obama’s imagined movie tastes …” - Blatant example of racism:
- This is cruel discrimination: Girl asked to leave restaurant because scars were scaring customers, grandmother says
- H&M stores stormed in Africa over 'monkey in the jungle' sweatshirt ad
- Oberlin cancels classes after person in KKK outfit spotted on campus
- Clinton supporter [and pop star] Ariana Grande on video: 'I hate Americans. I hate America'
- Rapper Azealia Banks declares hatred for U.S., white Americans, conservatives
- From Dr. Seema Jilani, a female physician: My Racist Encounter at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Excerpt: “Let's stop this facade that we are a beacon of tolerance. … All I ask, all I have ever asked, is to be treated as a human being, that bigoted jingoism is not injected into every minute facet my life, that there remains at least the illusion of decency.”
Comment #1: It breaks my heart to see anyone treated that way, yet there are more serious manifestations of racism, such as healthcare personnel intentionally killing patients because they are black, which I reported years ago, and virtually everyone ignored.
Comment #2: Why the spate of articles in recent years encouraging people to be careful what they say online because it might affect their job prospects? Why? Because very few people are as perfect as they pretend to be to impress employers who often are equally or more imperfect. I posted two articles on LinkedIn relevant to this:
(1) Control freaks, creativity, and your career
(2) Self-censoring is bad for your career and the economy - The Cost of Racial Bias in Economic Decisions
- Dunkin' Donuts apologizes for blackface ad
- Possible false allegation of racism: Waitress, Red Lobster Sued For $1 Million In Alleged Race Hoax
- Amazon Prime adds racism disclaimer to "Tom and Jerry" cartoons
- This is stereotyping, not racism: Young whites at elite colleges see Asian-Americans as more competent than other minorities
- This is also stereotyping, not racism: How winning at cards can help you win at life: Life, like poker, is full of risk, chance and hidden information – which is why the most accomplished poker bots can teach us how to succeed
Excerpt: “ … we have to make simplifications when dealing with the complexity of a game like poker. Rather than considering all possible moves, we tend to mentally bunch similar situations together. We do the same in daily life: we might … use stereotypes to categorize people. This process of abstraction makes the world easier to handle, but means we can lose to opponents that are using a better approximation of the world than we are.”
Comment: Simplification helps people cope with a world filled with too much information for them to digest, but lumping info (such as with knee-jerk reflexive assessments) often distorts it, with its reality obscured by the abstraction they can wrap their minds around. But ultimately dealing with reality is the most effective strategy, not bite-sized mental crutches, so those who see the world as it really is have an advantage over those who don't. - A suspicious mind leads to a suspicious face: Suspicion influences perceptions of trustworthiness
- Racism on college campuses is rooted in the small things people say and do: Study finds students who engage in microaggressive acts are likely to endorse colorblind, symbolic and modern racist attitudes
- ‘Progressive Stacking’ Is Infiltrating College Classrooms and U. Pennsylvania teaching assistant uses racist class discussion technique, calls her critics ‘Nazis’
- Hostility towards minorities can be contagious
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“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Reference: Imagining dialogue can boost critical thinking: Excerpt: “Examining an issue as a debate or dialogue between two sides helps people apply deeper, more sophisticated reasoning …”